And the dealer did perform the last oil change Taking our '13 I4 Nox back in a week to have them reinstall the crooked front license plate bracket.. Only 6 months since we bought it, now with about 7,500 miles or so Hope I'm mistaken but the dipstick indicates an over-filled crankcase.. Maybe my method is not the correct way, but it works and I am happy with the install.
- how to install front license plate bracket on chevy equinox
- how to install front license plate on chevy equinox
You are purchasing one new front license plate mounting bracket This new OEM license plate bracket will fit all 2018 Chevrolet Equinox models.. Also going to have them verify what I assume is a gasoline odor on the crankcase dipstick.
how to install front license plate bracket on chevy equinox
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Only 6 months since we bought it, now with about 7,500 miles or so Hope I'm mistaken but the dipstick indicates an over-filled crankcase.. And the dealer did perform the last oil change You may want to do some homework before going to the dealer by reading up on this forum about faulty fuel pumps.. I all ready have too much time invested and gas money so figured I just go basic to not complicate things and get some stainless steel screws.. With the indents on the bracket that line up perfectly with the bumper it's difficult to comprehend how they could have installed it crooked. E Studio 451c Drivers For Mac

how to install front license plate on chevy equinox

Taking our '13 I4 Nox back in a week to have them reinstall the crooked front license plate bracket.. If you are not comfortable or have the tools to do this then take it back to the dealer and tell them that you you like them to fix their mistake.. Products 1 - 60 of 95 - Chevy Equinox License Plates & Frames - 2018 Replace®Front License Plate Bracket with Mounting Hardware.. Also going to have them verify what I assume is a gasoline odor on the crankcase dipstick.. With the indents on the bracket that line up perfectly with the bumper it's difficult to comprehend how they could have installed it crooked.. If others want to pay the dealer or buy the factory rivets more power to you Here is what I used.. Sounds like you may have one Well It came out pretty good I ended up not going with rivets since the biggest ones I could find in stainless and alum were to small for the holes on the bracket and would fall right through.. -Clear Rtv silicon -Phillips screwdriver -4 #12 1inch stainless steel screws (home depot) $2.. This local boat shop had some large nice polished ones but they were pricey plus I needed to buy a expensive bigger rivet gun.. Drill out the rivets which is easy to do and then adjust the holes and rivet back in place. 518b7cbc7d